The HI card is a design of my own making based around the traditional playing card. My fondness for cards began at the age of five when on Christmas day my family would sit around the table playing Newmarket, laughing about my uncles blatant cheating and my grandmother being oblivious to it all!
As I grew up playing cards was often an essential part of family gatherings, now in my 30’s (Oh no!) and a graphic designer I felt it was time to design my very own deck

Whilst researching into playing cards I found that there was a lot of symbolism and history to each of the cards and I wanted to keep some of these elements in my design. For example, I have kept the traditional suits (Hearts, Spades, Diamonds and Clubs) often believed to symbolise the classes of society or even the four seasons. Other details such as the king of hearts (the suicide king) who is the only king with a sword through his head, this is believed to have been a printing error at some point. The queens are usually depicted holding a flower however I decided to put my twist on this by giving them equally cool weapons.
In contrast to the traditional elements of design I’ve added a geometric twist using symmetry and clean lines, the colours Black, Red and yellow balance this contrast with the traditional royal colour choice in a bold geometric formation giving a simple but elegant playing card concept.
The Details
Each deck includes:
A Custom card back design
52 Different Card Faces
2 Joker Cards
1 Double-sided back card
1 Thank you card
The cards will be printed on Heretic 310gsm Smooth Black Cored Playing Card Board, sealed both sides with playing card coating. Inserted into custom-designed tuck boxes printed on 350gsm Zanta Box Board gloss laminated.
This project began at the start of this year and today I’m happy to share with you the finished product. Whether you’re buying a deck for yourself or someone else or even if it’s just to help support this project get off the ground I hope you have as much fun playing with these cards as I did designing them.